Concussion Information
Concussion Information
At NMYSA, the goal is to create a safer environment for theyouth soccer players of New Mexico. Therefore, they have implemented a concussion awareness program using the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) "Heads Up" Concussion in Youth Sports program.
The "Heads Up" program provides parents, players and coaches valuable information and direction for managing suspected concussions.
Please take the time to review the "Heads Up" fact sheet and help to make youth soccer a safer environment for our children.
Along with education and awareness clubs and leagues are required to complete the NMYSA concussion notice form to ensure that players are evaluated by a health care professional and comply with return to play protocols.
We at Rio Rancho United Soccer Club support this initiative as we want your child to be safe.
All Westside United Soccer Club Coaches are required to take the CDC's online concussion training course. Once the course has been completed each coach receives a Concussion Certificate that is valid for 5 years. This certificate needs to be sent to the league/club registrar where it is kept on file.
Coaches, the player or the player's parents shall not allow a youth player to participate in practices/trainings, games or NMYSA events if the youth player exhibits signs of a concussion/brain injury.
If the player's parent or player's coach suspect a concussion as a result of a blow to the head or body, a fall or collision, the player must be removed from the activity immediately and evaluated by a health care professional.
The player will not be allowed to participate in training, games or events on the same day that the youth athletic exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a brain injury and only after:
1. The player no longer exhibits any sign, symptom or behavior consistent with a concussion or other head injury.
2. Receives a medial release from a licensed health care professional.
3. Players diagnosed with a concussion will be required to sit out for 240 hours, 10 days and receive a medical release before returning to play. Coaches will be required to track suspected concussions and medical authorizations that permit "return to play".
Any suspected concussion or diagnosed concussion, must be reported to NMYSA using the, "Concussion Notice Form". The coach, using the "Concussion Notice" form will track the player's progress and submit a final copy of the form along with medical permissions to NMYSA when the player is returned to competition.
"Licensed health care professional" means:
a. A practicing physician or physician assistant licensed pursuant to the Medical Practice Act;
b. A practicing osteopathic physician licensed pursuant to Chapter 61, Article 10 NMSA 1978;
c. A practicing certified nurse practitioner licensed pursuant to the Nursing Practice Act;
d. A practicing osteopathic physician's assistant licensed pursuant t the Osteopathic Physicians' Assistants Act;
e. A practicing psychologist licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Professional Psychologist Act; or
f. A practicing athletic trainer licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Athletic Trainer Practice Act.
g. A practicing physical therapist licensed pursuant to the Physical Therapy Act.
Return to Play
A player, previously diagnosed with a concussion, must receive a release by a medical profession to "return to play". The player, coach and parents will follow the CDC's "return to play" process as indicated below.
Below are five gradual steps that the player, coach and parents should follow to help safely return an athlete to play. Remember, this is a gradual process. These steps should not be completed in one day, but over days, weeks or months.
Baseline: Athletes should not have any concussion symptoms. Athletes should only progress to the next step if they do not have any symptoms at the current step.
Step 1: Begin with light aerobic exercise only to increase an athlete's heart rate. This means about 5 to 10 minutes on an exercise bike, walking, or light jogging. No weight lifting at this point.
Step 2: Continue with activities to increase an athlete's heart rate with body or head movement. This includes moderate jogging, brief running, moderate-intensity stationary biking, moderate-intensity weightlifting, (reduce time and/or reduced weight from your typical routine).
Step 3: Add heavy non-contact physical activity, such as sprinting/running, highintensity stationary biking, regular weightlifting routine, non-contact sport-specific drills, (in 3 planes of movement).
Step 4: Athlete may return to practice and full contact (if appropriate for the sport) in controlled practice.
Step 5: Athlete may return to competition
If an athlete's symptoms come back or she or he gets new symptoms when becoming more active at any step, this is a sign that the athlete is pushing him or herself too hard.
The athlete should stop these activities and the athlete's health care provider should be contacted. After more rest and no concussion symptoms, the athlete should begin at the previous step. will follow the CDC's "return to play" process as indicated below.